Time Converter

The history of time zones

Ethiopia Time Zone Converter If you have a web cast, online chat, conference call or other live event where people from all over the world want to attend, this Ethiopia time zone difference converter lets you offer everyone an easy way to determine their own local time and date for your live event in Ethiopia. We also have a time card calculator that allows you to enter an entire week of in and out times. It then auto calculates the hours, including lunch and overtime. Of if you want to completely automate time, check out employee time tracking by OnTheClock. Here are 3 ways. Option 1: Use our hours/minutes to decimal hours calculator.


Time has traditionally been measured according to the position of the sun in the sky, which is different depending on where you are in the world. In the nineteenth century, when mechanical clocks began to become popular, time was calculated locally. Since the time calculations were based on the position of the sun, they could vary by four minutes for each degree of longitude. A better system was required to enable an efficient operation of railways and new telecommunication systems.

In 1847, British railway companies began to standardize the time they were using by providing their staff with portable chronometers, resulting in what became known as ‘Railway Time’. However, in 1855, the Royal Greenwich Observatory started transmitting time signals and in 1880, the Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) became the country’s official standard time.

Other countries created their own standard times and, in the late 1880s, the International Meridian Conference proposed a standardised 24-hour day, starting off at midnight GMT. Eventually the rest of the world began to use this system, shaping the time zones we know today.

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Calculator Use

Convert a scientific decimal format number to time format in hh:mm:ss, hours:minutes:seconds. Enter a positive decimal number and choose the unit in days, hours, minutes or seconds. This calculator will perform the conversion to a time format in hh:mm:ss for hours, minutes and seconds.

How to Convert Decimal Time to hh:mm:ss Format by Total Seconds

Convert 42.756 hours to hh:mm:ss

42.756 hours × 3600 s/hr = 153922 s
Using Long Division with Remainders,
153922 s ÷ 86,400 s/d = 1 d R67522 s
67522 s ÷ 3600 s/hr = 18 hr R2722 s
2722 s ÷ 60 s/min = 45 min R22 s
R22s = 22 s
Combining terms: 1 d, 18 hr, 45 min, 22 s

1 d = 24 hrs so total hours is 42 then,


How to convert decimal days to time format

Convert 3.2 days to hh:mm:ss

  • 3.2 days can be converted to hours by multiplying 3.2 days * 24 hours/day = 76.8 hours
  • 76.8 hours can be broken down to 76 hours plus 0.8 hours - 76 hours
  • 0.8 hours * 60 minutes/hour = 48 minutes - 48 minutes
  • Nothing remaining - 0 seconds
  • 76:48:00

How to convert decimal hours to time format

Convert 2.88 hours to hh:mm:ss

  • 2.88 hours can be broken down to 2 hours plus 0.88 hours - 2 hours
  • 0.88 hours * 60 minutes/hour = 52.8 minutes - 52 minutes
  • 0.8 minutes * 60 seconds/minute = 48 seconds - 48 seconds
  • 02:52:48

How to convert decimal minutes to time format


Convert 78.6 minutes to hh:mm:ss

Time Converter
  • 78.6 minutes can be converted to hours by dividing 78.6 minutes / 60 minutes/hour = 1.31 hours
  • 1.31 hours can be broken down to 1 hour plus 0.31 hours - 1 hour
  • 0.31 hours * 60 minutes/hour = 18.6 minutes - 18 minutes
  • 0.6 minutes * 60 seconds/minute = 36 seconds - 36 seconds
  • 01:18:36

How to convert decimal seconds to time format

Convert 7147.3 seconds to hh:mm:ss

Time Converter Tool

  • 7147.3 seconds can be converted to hours by dividing 7147.3 seconds / 3600 seconds/hour ≈ 1.9854 hours
  • 1.9854 hours can be broken down to 1 hour plus 0.9854 hours - 1 hour
  • 0.9854 hours * 60 minutes/hour = 59.124 minutes - 59 minutes
  • 0.124 minutes * 60 seconds/minute = 7.44 seconds - rounded = 7 seconds
  • 01:59:07

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Time Converter To Vienna

Furey, Edward 'Decimal to Time Calculator'; CalculatorSoup, https://www.calculatorsoup.com - Online Calculators

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