

ClipGrab is one of the many tools you can use to download videos from sites like YouTube and convert them to the format you want.
You can download clips from any of the following sites: YouTube, Clipfish, CollegeHumor, Dailymotion, MyVideo, MySpass, Tudou, and Vimeo, among others. And just by copying the link to your clipboard, ClipGrab will automatically detect and prepare it for download.
Before the download, you can choose the format and quality in which you want to receive the file, and depending on what you choose, it will take more or less time to complete.
ClipGrab is a very useful program, but it has a difficult time standing out from all the competition apps that also offer video downloads from YouTube and similar sites.
Clipgrab free download for pc

Additional terms While ClipGrab itself is free software, its artwork and name are not. Thus, you are not allowed to redistribute this compiled setup binary file or any other compiled version of ClipGrab which includes the ClipGrab artwort commercially without prior written permission of the author. Download ClipGrab for Windows now from Softonic: 100% safe and virus free. More than 12407 downloads this month. Download ClipGrab latest version 2021. ClipGrab will then locate the online file and download a copy to your computer. Those who have the right extensions may find that ClipGrab adds extra steps to the process of downloading videos, but others may like using this program to save online videos. Pros: Lets you quickly and easily download online videos. ClipGrab isn’t limited to the sites listed above, because many more sites are supported 'unofficially' through the automatic site-recognition of ClipGrab - just try it! By the way, ClipGrab can also download HD videos from sites that have support for high definition (e.g. YouTube or Vimeo).


Clipgrab Download


Clipgrab For Windows 10

ClipGrab is a very easy to use application that can download YouTube videos and convert them to various formats. A clean and well organized interface is being used to display some random YouTube.

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